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How Do You Know When It's Time to Upgrade Your Network?

Your Network May Be to Blame If You’re Experiencing Any of These Issues

How Do You Know When It's Time to Upgrade Your Network?

Every day, new devices are relying on your network to function. Maybe you've got a computer you use for business telecommunications or a few wireless speakers for listening to music throughout the house. Couple that with your smart locks, video doorbells, wireless thermostats and cameras, which all communicate through your network to work efficiently together. Do these extra demands make a system upgrade necessary?

It can be hard to know when to bring in professional home networking installation services. To help out, we’ve compiled some telltale signs your network is struggling and recommend some upgrades that could make a big difference. Do you deal with lagging and dead spots often? These might be just some of the reasons the network in your Scarsdale, NY home is due for a jump start.

SEE MORE: How Strong is your home Network?

Is Your Connection Lagging or Cutting Out?

As you add new smartphones, tablets and smart devices to the network, you’re increasing the traffic going through it. Without the right management, this will result in bottlenecks and devices not getting the signals they need on time. This may mean a vital work call freezing up or the audio and video in your movie not syncing up.

Our network installation services help in two ways. First, you want to incorporate high-bandwidth routers that carry more information. Second, you want to use network software that prioritizes traffic as needed to ensure critical components get their signal first. For example, when watching a 4K movie on Netflix, your network will know to prioritize AV signals over less essential data.

Are You Dealing with a Lot of Dead Spots?

When you were just using your network in your home office and media rooms, it worked fine. But once you added a wireless speaker in the kitchen or wanted to use your tablet outdoors, your network was nowhere to be found. With a system built to cover a few rooms, you’ll end up with a lot of dead spots.

If you're going to be using your network throughout the house, you need to upgrade your system to cover those areas. Use network switches to allow for more wired connections. Use these wired connections to add wireless access points, so you have reliable Wi-Fi coverage everywhere.

Are You Protected from Security Breaches?

In theory, every time you add a connected device—whether a computer, speaker or thermostat—you’re opening up a new door into your home. Are you properly locking up all those entryways? In 2018, security breaches resulted in hundreds of millions of people losing sensitive information. These threats could come in the form of phishing emails or hackers accessing your surveillance videos.

If you've never had a security upgrade done to your network, now is the time to do it. These three things will affect your security: hardware, firmware, and installation. For the equipment, opt for routers that include multiple encryption protocols, VPN (virtual private network) capabilities and firewalls. Update the firmware on all your network devices regularly—as these include security patches.

Use professional home network installations services to optimize all security protocols. During your networking installation, we'll create dedicated VPNs each with their unique firewalls. If one of your devices is compromised, it won’t affect your entire home, just its dedicated network.


Are you ready to leave your networking frustrations behind? Let our experts give your network the boost it needs to deliver fast, reliable signals throughout the house. To set up a consult with our team, give us a call at (914) 921-0099 or fill out our contact form.

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